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India organic green tea - Nilgiris

Did you wonder what the different teas from India taste like? There’s the Darjeeling tea, Assam tea and even The Nilgiris India organic green tea. Today, we are going to discuss about the blessing from the blue mountains – The Nilgiri Tea.

If you are a connoisseur of exotic teas, then the Nilgiri tea is no surprise for you. For the others, take note that the Nilgiri tea is one of the most famous brews in the world. The uniqueness in the origin of Nilgiri tea is powerful enough to make an international impact amongst tea lovers alike.

The one thing that visitors don’t miss out in Ooty is carrying home a huge bag of the famous Nilgiri Tea. A cup of this tea whilst facing the lush greenery of the tea plantations and watching the sun set is one of the prevailing fascinations of all the visitors here.

What makes the Nilgiri Green Tea so special?

The story behind the Nilgiri Green Tea dates back to the 19th century when India was under the clutches of the British rule. Dr. Christie, who was an assistant surgeon in the then Madras was the luminary behind the ideation of planting Tea in the hills of the Nilgiris. Several experiments, innovations and trials were conducted in the hills owing to their unique climatic and weather conditions. At last, what grew on an experimental basis blew the minds of the British rulers. And voila, the tea plantations were then approved and tea estates set up.

Despite the delay in yielding tea out of the plantations in the Nilgiri Hills, the result took no time in paving its way amongst the delicate palates of people. It amassed in its popularity each year while backing many accolades all across the country and the world. The distinctive tea due to its superior taste and quality of fragrance started to be called ‘the gem of south India’.

What does the tea taste like?

The unique flavor of the India Organic green tea is one of the reasons behind its popularity. Unlike Darjeeling or Assam tea, the Nilgiri tea grows in conditions that are almost perfect to the production of tea. Tea is grown and consumed all throughout the year.

Special Nilgiris Tea

The tea in the Nilgiris grows at an elevation of 1000 – 2500 meters above sea level. The region experiences a rainfall close to 60 and 90 inches every year. What results is a different flavor of tea each season of the year, due to the difference in the amount of sunlight. The tea is intensely aromatic with a gamut of flavors ranging from lemon, eucalyptus, cyprus, tropical fruit and dusky flowers.

Nilgiris Special Green Tea - india organic green tea

Some facts about the India organic green tea

The tea plantations in the Nilgiris are represented by the Nilgiri Planters’ Association which is an organizational member of the United Planters Association of South India (UPASI). It is a renowned body that represents plantation owners in South India.

While about 30% of tea production accounts under the supervision of UPASI, the rest is accountable by small growers across the region. For example, some popular growers are the Badagas, a local community of professional agriculturists in the Nilgiri mountains.

The most special harvest takes place in between January and March. And once the harvest is picked, it goes through a process that involves an intense withering method which rids the moisture from the leaves. The dried leaves are then rolled and twisted to give them their final outlook.

Benefits of drinking Green tea

  • Helps in weight loss by boosting your metabolism
  • Reduces cholesterol
  • Fights diabetes
  • Strengthens your immune system
  • Retains skin elasticity

If you are a tea drinker and love exploring teas, the green tea from Nilgiris must be a regular part of your diet. Must try our Nilgiris India organic green tea. You can drink it hot or whip it up with some ice cubes to make for awesome iced tea. Add a slice of lemon just before consumption to give it a tangy taste.

Indulge in the most exotic tea from the Nilgiris, only at https://ootymade.com/collections/tea/products/green-tea

Ootymade Tea comes to you straight from the Blue Mountains of Ooty. Made in the famous district of Nilgiris, the tender leaves in Ooty Tea are carefully picked and blended to produce some of the finest tea in the world.

For Bulk Orders for any occasions, contact us through WhatsApp: 94896 14171 or Call us Mobile: 97861 68888.


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